T.A.G. - You're It!

Hello and welcome to my blog - D.I.V.A.T.U.D.E.!

On June 13, 2004 the Lord snatched me out of the hands of the enemy and I've been living for Him since. I invite you to join me here and catch the vision of D.I.V.A.T.U.D.E. where D.I.V.A.T.U.D.E. stands for Divinely Inspired, Virtuous and Anointed To Undo Deception Everywhere!

Rev 12:11 says we overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. My desire is to share my testimonies with every woman of all ages that are hurting and feel hopeless to encourage, uplift and guide them to their true source. There is hope and His name is Jesus!

Even if you feel this blog isn't for you - you can still help spread D.I.V.A.T.U.D.E. by passing this blog information to every hurting woman you know. Doing so you will join in on T.A.G. - You're It! Where T.A.G. stands for Travel Across Globe!

God bless and thank you for visiting my blog!

Muah ~

Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Woman's Worth

Daddy's little girl is all I wanted to be
but he killed that dream when he walked out on mom and me.

Some of you know exactly what I mean.
For others, even if he was there;
it was only physically.

Mom was there and she did the best that she could.
But there was a part of me she never understood.

A void penetrated deep in my heart.
All I wanted was my father's heart.

As good as she did - she couldn't fulfill his part.

Looking for love in all the wrong places;
laying on my back looking at their faces.

Wondering, is this all just a dream -
will you be the one that finally loves me?

No! Why not when I just gave you all of me?!

Cold in my heart I've become.
Playing the game of a heart undone.

Since it ain't you - I'm onto the next one!

Year after year the cycle went on.
Are you still playing the game of a heart undone?

Well let me tell you how that cycle broke.
I went to God and He broke that yoke!

He took me back into my past,
me kicking and screaming God No! I don't wanna go back!

"I know My child but you have to go.
I've given you the victory,
now let Me show you - how to overcome!"

I faced the pain and man did it hurt.
All those years bound in a yoke.

A yoke of all the lies I was fed.
Believing that my Father's love for me was dead!

Wanna be loved lay on your back -
give the man you and he'll give you him back.

Man that was a lie straight from the pit of hell.

Oh God I wanna yell!

All those years I was deceived,
to get me to believe,
my worth was in my body!

"All you needed was My love.
Come here baby left Me give you a hug."

Such a warm loving embrace.
What's this - why have the tears stop streaming down my face?
How can this be?
All the hurt from over 30 years - just like that - up and left me?

Love and joy overflooded my heart.
A smile on my face traveled up from my heart.

Wow God you gave me a fresh start!
Thank You for my new heart!

To steal, kill and destroy was his goal.
But You took the devil out - with just ONE BLOW!

"What the devil meant for bad I've turned around for good.
I'm going to use you to help other women who are just -

Anointed for such a time as this,
I've gone before you and will show you
how to pull them up - out of the enemy's ditch.

Show them My love and they will see,
just like you did,
their worth is in Me - not in their body."

Lizsolette 2008

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